If you feel as if a post needs to be reported or removed for any reason, please feel free to email our reporting agents at and they will start working on your report. You will get a return email within 24-48 business hours about the findings. You must include the following in your email:
1) Your username
2) The link to the post you are reporting
3) The reason for reporting
One of the new features I believe of phpBB3 is the post reporting feature, if you see a post which you think needs looked at by the admin/mod team then click the little exclamation mark at the top right of the post. This will immediately flag the post to any admins or mods browsing the forum to be looked into as well as add the thread to a central list of reported posts.
If your reading this youve found your way to the new server. If you have any problems report them here and Ill try to get them taken care of ASAP.
I remember reading the post and giving the for a nice write up. Looks like I was wrong in its location sorry about that, thanks Pete for the help.
I am sure VHill will get you the right forum.
Where is moderator??
It is important.